Alexander Dinelaris’s “In This, Our Time” is the most ambitious play on the program,. I found Towne’s performance almost frightening in its quiet blank fury, and I was tremendously moved…

Another Eyes

Summer Shorts 5 Series A at 59 E 59th

While Alexander Dinelaris’ “In This, Our Time …” has some powerful writing, it also has a great deal of familiar material. Framed by the memories of Jules, a high school girl, the play depicts a truly dysfunctional home life: Jules’ needs are attended to by her mother Maggie’s live-in boyfriend Billy, 

while Maggie, a surgeon, trolls for anonymous sex which has been her need since being abused by a cousin when she was a child. 

…the character of the alcoholic and promiscuous Maggie, played to the hilt by Maryann Towne...
                                                                                                                                By: Victor Gluck

The darkest work of the four is “In This, Our Time…” by Alexander Dinelaris. Teenager Jules (Erin Darke) lives in a perpetual state of dread. Her mother Maggie (Maryann Towne), a victim of sexual abuse, suffers a compulsion to sleep with strange men—this despite the love Maggie gets from her boyfriend Billy (Ted Koch), who is helpless to do anything about the situation.

Maggie is the most complex character in the piece. Towne does a wonderful job presenting her as an abuse victim who begs to be reminded how worthless she is, as long as she can set the parameters for such an encounter. Yet Maggie is also able to transform herself into a woman of steel when things get too tough personally

The Epoch TImes

Finely Staged Macbeth is full of Sound and Fury.

“But it was Maryann Towne, as Lady Macbeth, who shone brightest, balancing strength with vulnerability as the wife who urges killing the king but lives to regret it.”

Towne elevates and illuminates Shakespearean dialogue, and her descent into madness is both ephemeral and electric. With an arched brow, a sideways glance, or a carefully nuanced phrase.

Towne exudes power and presence all night long.”

Omaha World Herald, June 30th 2009

Voice OversVoice_Overs.html

Maryann Towne




Gambles Pay off in Bold Hamlet. 
“Maryann Towne shines as Queen Gertrude.”
Living Section, Omaha World Herald July 1, 2011
“Towne compliments so well.  She makes Maria strong, smart, and just as brash as she needs to be to keep Toby in his Place.”
                                      - Dave Mortensen - Theatre Bloggers Inc.

“The star of the show is Towne, as her Berthe switches from sarcastic to sweet and from droll to delightful depending on which character she interacting with - or who’s chain she is yanking.”

- Rachel Brutsch - Deseret News

“Maryann Towne as the sisters‘ long suffering mother was brought vividly to life in  a finely crafted performance.”
                                     -Marissa Lang - The Salt Lake Tribune